Message from the Akashic Records #2: Concurrent Timelines and Miracles

The following message came through in the Akashic Records today, and it has been asked to be shared with the collective. Information particular to the soul through which records it came through has been removed.

Your Soul experiences many concurrent parallel timelines at once. It is where your consciousness is focused on, or shall we say “located” that determines what you experience as your “experience”.

It is with ease that you may jump or transfer between similar or parallel timelines. Not so easy to transfer consciously to a more non-similar timeline. However, it is possible to arrive to it step by step.

At the same time, you can feel in your body at times what other versions of your body may be experiencing in those alternative timelines, even if they would seem far removed.

You are creators of your own conscious experience. You must align with the highest timeline for your soul path, and you will arrive there. That is how “miracles” seem to occur. They aren’t miracles as such, but rather jumps to higher vibrational timelines in better alignment with your soul’s path and desires.

You have the power to choose in which timeline your consciousness resides. Always choose wisely from a place of love, peace, joy and abundance of all that which brings delight to your soul experience.

Always choose with the intention of the highest outcome for all. Not only from a place of satisfying a want or desire. For the desire may be satisfied, but it may or may not be for your own greater good.

Masters of Time

“You are becoming the Masters of Time”, this message came through earlier today when reflecting back on the apparent change in the nature of time of the last few days. During the last two years we appeared to experience time faster as a collective. However, this has changed yet again in the last week for some. And it will eventually change for everyone on this planetary body.

In years past, for many, time appeared to move by faster at times of happiness, joy or fun, and seemed to progress slowly during stressful, boring or difficult times. This was the hijack and part of the 3D entrapment: making the time during experiences which would lower one’s vibration appear to go by slowly, whilst making the time during experiences that would raise one’s vibration pass by in the blink of an eye.

Things started to change during the last two years. Each one would have started to experience this at their own time, when they made their own personal jump to the lower 4D: time appeared to start passing by quickly, independently of what sort of experiences we may have been going through. It seemed as if there were less hours in one day. This was part of the acceleration natural to a jump into a dimension where time can be altered. Changes in perception of time are a sign of this. Everyone who has anchored as their baseline vibration the lower 4th dimension will have become aware of this. Being anchored in the lower 4D does not mean that you are “stuck” there, but rather that you are able to access higher states of consciousness – 5D and beyond – and the lowest state you would fall back to if there were a drop in vibration would be the lower 4D. You would not revert to 3D.

For the last few days I started to notice yet again another shift in the way time was experienced. It no longer seemed to go by quickly consistently. Rather, there were once more times where it appeared to progress quickly, and times where it appeared to progress slowly. However, it was not in the way of 3D. It was the opposite of the 3D experience. The joyful, loving, peaceful, happy, “high vibe”, heart expanding times seemed to be drawn out, extended, made to feel as if they were lasting much longer than what the clock would mark – 10 minutes felt like hours. On the other hand, the tedious, stressful, difficult, monotonous, unfulfilling and downright “low vibe” experiences seemed to rush by and be over in the blink of an eye – an hour would feel as mere minutes. At first I thought my perception of time was eschewed, then I realised that in fact time itself was again changing. Not only changing by itself, but that I had the ability to consciously extended even further. To the point that I could extend the “neutral” time if I so chose to. A few others have also noticed this recent change in time, and have experienced it in the same way. Yet many others continue to experience it as passing by quickly. Each one will start to experience this at the perfect time for them.

Today, when receiving the information regarding the recent change in time, I was told that it is once more the result of anchoring a higher energetic frequency. Those who find themselves able to experience the positive times as lasting longer, and the negative times as passing quickly are in fact starting to anchor into the higher 4D. That is their baseline now. They will still be able to access higher dimensional planes beyond 4D, albeit maybe not consistently. However, were their vibration to drop it won’t go below higher 4D. The reason for this is that higher 4D is the practice ground before anchoring 5D consciousness on a permanent basis. As a result they will experience the expansion of time during high vibrational experiences – akin to experiencing no-time in 5D. And they will be able to do this at will. They may not be aware of this ability from the level of consciousness that is anchored in the higher 4D, but they will be doing it at will from a higher level of their own consciousness that is beyond 5D. Once they realise they are in fact experiencing 5D consciousness, even if only temporarily, they will be able to control the passing of time whilst at that consciousness level. Eventually, we will be anchored at a higher 4d collectively. Every one will reach that point at the perfect moment for them.

Other indicators of being anchored at higher 4D – which is the final step before anchoring in 5D – will be a further expansion of each one’s psychic abilities. It does not mean that everyone will have the same level of psychic awareness, but rather a personal expansion on the abilities each one already has and is able to work with. You may start working with new spiritual guides, or you may be able to perceive those you already work with in a clearer way. By being above the lower 4D you will experience more heart opening experiences, more joy and a higher level of love. And you will be naturally guided to experiences and information that will assist you in this.

After receiving this information I then asked my guides “Does this mean that we are learning to master time?”. To which they replied, “For some it will be a learning. For many it will be a Re-Mastering of Time. For you once had this ability, you are simply remembering. This is partly why you are here. To remember what you once were, what you once did. Remember to play with time, for this life was meant to be be played, the way a child plays with joy. You are breaking past the constrictions set upon you in the past. Relish it, play this life with unbridled joy”. Then I was shown a beautiful wild dark brown horse galloping free. I could feel it’s joy, the ultimate sense of freedom, living in and only for that moment. Making it last eternally. That’s how this new expanding of time feels. Making the ultimate joy last eternally.

Message from the Akashic Records #1: You are observing the holographic residue of a world that was

I am being guided to share this message with the collective. It came through whilst in the Akashic Records yesterday. Take it only if it resonates:

Focus on what is to come. The future. Not on the systems of the past, even though they may seem current. What you are seeing and observing is nothing but the holographic residue of a world that was.

Do not wish to be found “acceptable” by it’s standards, as you would risk becoming entrapped in, and part off, the fading hologram.

Holograms hold no substance, they are simple mirages. Wanting to be part of such a mirage in any way would be an entrapment. You would become nothing but a mirage of who you truly are.

Mirages are temporary, they disappear without a trace. Focus instead on what is important…

The message continued with specific information for the soul whose records were being read. Your heart and soul know what is important at this time. Follow their guidance.

Trust and Flow

I was woken up early this morning with these words: “Trust and Flow. Share it with others”.

“Trust” and “Flow” are words that have been given to me repeatedly for the last week when doing my own personal spiritual and energy work. This morning I was shown how they are crucial in moving with the strong ascension and upgrade energies we are being flooded with. We are at the pivotal point for for a separation to occur between those choosing to remain in 3D world we are currently seeing, and between those who are on their path to ascension and enlightenment, or what we could refer to as “ascending to 5D”, and beyond.

We recently went through a very powerful full moon eclipse in Scorpio over the 15 and 16th of this month, May 2022. Everyone I have encountered who is on their path to ascension, both consciously and unconsciously, have either had significant changes in circumstances which will facilitate their moving on to the next chapter in their lives – which until then may have seemed as they would never occur. People may have left our lives for good, or we have been shown how they will leave in the near future. There has been emotional purging and healing of the last programs, lessons and emotional baggage from this life, or even past ones. Physical symptoms of either lethargy or excessive energy, and maybe some health challenges could be showing up, all for them to start resolving as from yesterday. We have been put through a process of final purging at all levels, in order to clear our physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies of all that which no longer serves us. This requires trust, this requires us to flow with it.

At the same time our beautiful Sun is radiating vast amounts of energy and highly charged photons on to our planet, and all living sentient beings on it. It has been doing so for months, but it’s now increasing the potency and frequency. I was shown a few months ago what this entails, and what the possibilities this will offer us. However, I have been guided not to share how this is at this point. I will if and when the time is right. But I am to say that no-one who is on this path will be missing out. There energies from the Sun will flow and work on each one according to their own soul blueprint and in harmony with their life path. Trust that it will be so, you will not miss out on this if it’s in alignment with your path. All we have to do right now is do our own internal work, whilst ensuring our personal energy is at the cleanest and clearest point. We do this by being mindful of what we allow into our bodies, rejecting all that which we know and intuit is not for our highest good be it what we eat, drink, think, watch, and anything that has the potential to alter your beautiful divine DNA blueprint – those who have eyes to see, ears to hear and hearts to understand know what this entails. For your DNA holds the key to receiving and processing the light codes encoded in the Sun’s photons. This is the time to not waver. This is the time to honour the vessel which is the home of your consciousness in this planet, and to honour your energy body. Trust your inner guidance, while remaining in a state of flow.

We exist in a Galaxy that works as a beautiful precision instrument. The dance and pull of the planets around our Sun and the energy being emitted from it, the vibration of our own planet Earth measured as the Schuman Resonance, the movement of our Solar System around the Milky Way and through the photon belt create the perfect, synchronistic parameters for our planet and life on it to be bathed in the perfect amount of energy to bring us up to the next level. It is going to happen. It already is. It’s unstoppable. Trust and flow.

I will be sharing in my social media information from other awake and aware spiritual guides whose work resonates with the information I receive from my own guidance system, as well as meditations and other resources from them that may help in supporting us through this ascension process.

13/03/2022 Update – Solar Activity

As many of you will already know, and may indeed be feeling, there has been an increase in Solar activity in recent days. I am in no way an expert in interpreting the graphs and data related to this – there are many others who are better versed at it. However, I am connected to the energy of the Sun, and feel the fluctuations in Solar activity as they occur physically and psychically, versus feeling the solar storms once they reach Earth. Apparently those of us who do are called “wave riders” – just learned this today!

A few years ago I started receiving visions connected to the Sun and the Grand Central Sun. I would be shown geometry and colours, and a knowing of what this information represented. I knew it was connected to the ascension process – some personal, some collective – but it was not to be shared at the time. Rather, I would know when it was time to start sharing the images I had been shown.

Today I am being repeatedly prompted to share an image I was given initially in 2018, and then again with more detail at the end of 2019. The painting shared here is my attempt to represent what I was shown in 2019. I drew it back then, and it has resurfaced a couple of weeks ago for it to be shared now. It was a channeled painting imbued with energy codes.

Ascension energy emitted from the Sun

It represents the high vibration energy emitted from our Sun – which in turn is being triggered by the Grand Central Sun at the centre of our Galaxy. It’s not a representation of the way the 3D eye, or 3D instruments, perceive this energy. But rather how the energy would perceived from a higher vibrational perspective, 5D and above. It’s the photonic energy we are being bathed at this time, which will give the ascension of this planet and all living beings on it an energetic push.

The central image was a dynamic moving torus, in the shape of two intertwining infinity symbols, and the lines coming out from them were also in movement. The colours on the vision I received were much more crystalline and light filled than what I was able to represent when I painted them. Keep this in mind when looking at the image, and do your best to visualise it. I’ve been guided to not attempt to draw this again, but rather share this particular drawing, as it was done shortly after the vision and I was still able to hold the energy of that vision and imbue the drawing with the necessary light codes.

If this information and the painting resonate with you, please look at it as often as you feel drawn to it during this time of high incoming energies from the Sun. And feel free to share this post with others who may be affected by these energies at this time.

During this inflow of Solar energies and light, go with the flow, listen an honour your body, and those of others. Let any emotions flow and get as much rest as possible.

Edit: To see a video explaining how to visualise this image, please visit

The quantum double-slit experiment and choosing our highest timeline

What does the quantum double-slit experiment have to do with choosing the timeline we experience? Everything! It’s a very simple representation of how what we focus our attention on, give our energy to, will be what is manifested in our reality.

In a nutshell, this experiment was set up to prove whether light, a form of energy, was a wave or a particle. I won’t go into the details of the experiment – there are many wonderful resources online that explain it in detail – but rather the result. The result of the experiment determined that the nature of light was both a particle and a wave, and the way it manifested itself depended on what the observer expected the results to be. If the observer expected to see the light behave as a particle, then the result of the experiment would prove that it was indeed a particle. However, if the observer expected the light to behave as a wave, then it would behave as such. To simplify matters, the light would adapt and manifest itself to meet the observer’s expectations.

This is exactly how timelines function. We are the observers of our reality. The reality we experience, with the matter and events within it, is nothing more than condensed energy. It is energy that has slowed its vibration enough to create the illusion of solid matter which interacts with itself to create events – again a form of energy. At any given point we have two timeline choices – this is a simplification, as each choice we make will lead to other two sets of probabilities, and these themselves will lead two their respective two choices, and so on and so forth ad infinitum. Our role as ascending consciousnesses is to choose the timeline that holds the highest vibration for ourselves and for all that is. How can we know which choice holds the highest vibration? High vibration: it creates an abundance of joy, love, peace, our personal sovereignty and that all others is upheld, we merge with a higher consciousness and feel the connection and knowledge of all that is. It creates a feeling of grounded peace. Low vibration: it generates fear, anger, lack, resentment, polarity between individuals, and those within it will have a need either to control or be controlled.

What, then, is the secret to choosing a timeline? Your energy. Energy influences energy and matter. Start by withdrawing all of your energy – usually in the form of emotions – from the lower timeline, or reality. The world we are experiencing at this time at the 3D/4D level is currently locked in a lower timeline. You can see it and have knowledge of it, but do not engage emotionally with it. It is feeding from all the lower vibrational energies, ranging from fear to anger, and everything in between. That is what is keeping it “alive”. In order for us to collectively move into a higher timeline, we must starve the lower reality. Without its source of energy it will simply collapse and turn into energetic dust. Sure, the collapse may be daunting, but it is necessary. Everyone incarnated on this planet at this time is equipped to deal with this collapse. Be brave, stand in your Sovereignty and do not fear it, for you will get through the collapse.

As you withdraw all of your energy from the lower timeline, invest it on the higher choice. Go into your inner sacred space. See the higher reality that already exists in the quantum field, be in it. Experience the joy, love, oneness, higher knowledge and connection to all that is. You can slow down time in this place. Notice how it feels in your body, heart and soul. Live it. For a version of you is already in it. If you do this regularly enough, miracles will start to manifest in the current reality your consciousness finds itself in, and things will start to shift in a positive direction, both at a personal and collective levels. You came here to anchor the higher timeline along with many others into our beautiful planet as a form of service to the collective. Once enough of us do this, a higher reality will be born.

Sending you Universal Love. Stay Sovereign x

Flowing with the 12-12 Portal

From the end of November – about 4 weeks before the upcoming Solstice – there have been vast quantities of higher vibrational light flowing into our planet, and on to everyone and everything in it. As a result you may have been feeling elated, receiving increasing quantities of spiritual downloads, feeling connected to everything there is, and seeing the events – both personal and global – from a higher perspective. Or you may have been in this higher vibrational space continuously.

However, there has also been a blanket of darkness being spread around our planet by those who would want to stop the human collective, and ultimately our planet with everything in it, to ascend. As a result at times you may be feeling tired, lacking energy, feeling despondent, even as if disconnected from your spiritual support team, even though you are never disconnected from them – they simply allow us the time and space to process and integrate the energies we may be experiencing at any given time.

Most likely you will have been fluctuating between both states of being, consciousness and vibration at varying degrees. Wherever you may find yourself within that spectrum at any given point during this 10 day portal window, flow with it. Whenever you are experiencing the higher vibration, immerse yourself in it, manifesting your highest timeline: being filled with joy, peace, harmony and love. If, however, you find yourself on the lower vibrational side of things, don’t attach to it. Observe it, try to identify what – feelings, events, thoughts, emotional triggers – or who has contributed toward you being in this space, acknowledge any feelings you may have, find the lessons this is trying to teach you, and let go of attachment to it. Observe the feelings, but don’t identify with them. Once you have done this, it will be easier for you to loosen the grip of this vibration, and work toward raising your vibration to higher levels.

So, from this moment, the 12-12 Portal, until the solstice on the 21st of December, whenever you find yourself on a higher vibrational state focus on the highest timeline you want to fin yourself in. During this portal window, avoid attaching to the events around you in the lower 4D. Instead continue to focus on that which brings you joy, continue to focus on the 5D reality that is just behind the veil, waiting for you to step into it, in order to bring it into reality in your physical world.

Sending you Universal Love xx

New Moon and Solar Eclipse portal – remember you are Sovereign beacon of light

On the 4th of December 2021 – or the 3rd, depending where you are – we have a powerful New Moon in Sagittarius and Solar Eclipse. This comes in the middle of an intense period of energy upgrades, both at collective and individual levels. It also comes in the middle of an intense attempt to control and manipulate the human collective on the part of the powers that were – yes, I use that term intentionally, as energetically they can no longer be defined as “be”, even though they continue to attempt to control humanity through fear tactics, coercion, manipulation and intimidation.

During this portal, avoid handing over your time, energy and personal power to the powers that were. Do not feed into the narrative. Avoid all forms of media on the day if possible. Do your utmost to avoid being triggered by what they are attempting to create around us. For it is a mere attempt, no matter how real it feels and looks. Let go of fear, anger, despair, for they rob you of your light.

Focus instead on what you want to see in this world. Step into the vision of a future filled with joy like we can’t even imagine possible, of love, and peace for yourself, your loved ones, and all beings on this Earth. Choose to be a beacon of light in this world of shadows. It is the case that the shadow may become darker in contrast to the higher levels of light that are being poured into our planet. However, when the light is strong enough, it becomes blinding, filling every corner until there is no room for the shadows to hide. Shine your light so brightly that there is no space left for the darkness to hide. Become the blinding light that dissolves the shadows.

Sending you Universal Love x

The time has come to stand strong

Now more than ever it is imperative we stand strong in our power and sovereignty. Make the choices that you know are in alignment with your soul. Do not let anyone force or coerce you into doing or taking something that is not in alignment with your higher self. If you are responsible for others, ensure any decision or action that affects them is for their highest good and in alignment with their higher self. Do not give into fear. Do not give into peer pressure. Do not give into pressure by the powers that were. No matter how big the storm becomes, trust that you will be guided safely through it if you remain true to who you are.